We had an early dinner on board Singapore Airlines. To squash the rumbling tummies, we headed to Two Two Fried Chicken for supper. :) It's located at the turn of Metro Hotel. Btw, there are many eateries around Metro Hotel!!!
We ordered the original and garlic fried chicken! Thumbs up! The chicken (including the breast meat) was tender.
Salt & pickles are provided to go with the chicken. But the chicken tasted great on its own! :)
We wanted to savour other Two Two fried chicken flavours and had supper takeouts on Day 2 & Day 5 (even though we were staying at another place) of our trip. :D

Day 2 supper: Spicy chicken...delicious but messy...the sauce dripped everywhere... :)))
The Koreans love to have fried chicken with beer. We love ours with coke! ^.* How do you like yours?
Day 5: Soy sauce chicken, not too bad either. :)
Our ranking for the flavours is as follows:
#1 Garlic
#2 Spicy
#3 Orginal
#4 Soy Sauce
Details of Two Two Fried Chicken:
W: http://www.22chicken.co.kr/default.htm To get to the outlet closest to Metro Hotel:
Turn left at hotel's main entrance
Turn right at Tous Les Jour Cafe