Thanks to Edwin's recommendation, we found ourselves at the Dutch Colony Coffee Co. in search of coffee brewing kettles.
Naturally Amber had to have a cuppa. It's her first hand brew coffee in two weeks since she arrived here in Singapore.
Happiness in a cuppa. :D
We explored the rest of Pasar Bella too! :)
Lin & I found stuff we could eat!
Other stuff that caught our eyes. :)
Way too cute! :D
Mission accomplished. We bought a ceramic coffee grinder from the Dutch Colony Coffee Co. and a coffee brewing kettle from the Providore. Amber can now do her own hand brew coffee in the comfort of our home. :) Details of Dutch Colony Coffee Co.: 200 Turf Club Road Singapore 287994 W:
Beanie turned 6X! :D Thank you dad for your support and making do with a simple birthday celebration. Amber & I closed the store on the dot at 9pm to make it in time to sing Happy Birthday. ;)
Loving the embedded choc balls! I know I shouldn't but... Btw this cake is called Ha Ha Family from Paris Baguette