October, October, October...Been out of action for the 1st half of October. Experienced the passing of a dear dear friend & less than 24 hours after the final send off, gotta prepare the wedding of a childhood friend. Funeral & wedding all in a week. Been sleeping early these nights. The emotion swings can be a little draining. And I trimmed my pinkie instead of the leaf on Monday. : I Fortunately I didn't need a stitch but a jab & antibotics. Phew! Typing with an injured Ms. Pinkie is kind of inconvenient. The doc gave her a really nice & huge wrap??? Reminded me of pocky sticks, but with thicker coat of fillings.
Finally managed to take a breather today. :) Stole some time to catch two episodes of drama & indulged in some fattening junk! :) Here's my lunch from MOS Burger today - Kakiage rice burger (my usual's Yakiniku rice burger, but I feel like having something different for a change), fries & Minestrone soup. I think I prefer Yakiniku rice burger as there's lettuce in it. The lettuce gave the rice burger extra crunch & freshness. I'm not complaining about the 3/4 packed fries; it made me less guilty. ;) It's great there're more MOS outlets now, making packed lunches so much more convenient. ^.^
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