No plans on where to go and so our driver took us to Hou Hai. It's quite similar to the old streets we had been before in other parts of China. Snippets taken during our walk around Hou Hai this morning.
Wrapping up the week in Beijing with a hotpot dinner at Red Bowl with my new friends. :)
I was expecting red bowls. :))) Well there was an enormous one at the entrance which I didn't take a pic as the rest of them were busy snapping away. :)
Oh I just realised there's a faint print of a guy in China's signature green uniform on the paper menu. :)
Pick your stock! :D
Lin & I chose black chicken feet with rose buds. :)
Steamed chicken to munch as we waited for the stock to be heated. :)
A must for all hotpots...greenies.... :)
Shrimps. :)
You know we can't live without meat. :) Pork + beef slices. :)
I would like to bite into these meat balls and fish balls too. :) But for the eyes only. *.*
Again, for the eyes only...tofu blocks...
Not sure what these are, but I'm not sure if I would like them...
Fish paste I reckon. :)
And these floating "balloons". :)
I wasn't feeling too well by the end of the nite. A week of early mornings and late nites in Beijing had taken a toil on me. :((( Hello fever....I would have otherwise enjoyed my dinner and company much much better.
Details of Red Bowl: Jing Guang Centre, Hujialou, Chaoyang district 朝阳区呼家楼朝阳北路京广中心北京瑰丽酒店 W:
Finally I found time to do dinner with my classmates. :) Lin had to do dinner with her Beijing colleagues and I didn't want to intrude. :))) Nv brought us to Jing Yaa Tang at The Opposite House for Peking duck! :D This is it! :) The decor and ambience appealed to me. :D
A bunch of us from everywhere, coming together for a Peking duck feast. :) Cheers!
Appetite killer eh? :)))
Waiting in anticipation. :)
Condiments for the duck :)
The highlight of the nite. :) Jing Yaa Tang's peking duck is lean and ain't oily. :)
I like these thin sheets were kept warm. :)
Parcel of yums. :)
You know when a soup isn't good but awesome. :))) This duck soup was bursting with flavours! :D
Scallops were fresh!
Despite its spiciness, we couldn't say no to these Sichuan spicy chicken. :)
This is an interesting fishy dish. The flesh are deboned and shredded into tiny noodles. A little spicy but appetising. :) One of my fav dish at Jing Yaa Tang. :)
This rib was a piece of artwork. Too gorgeous to be eaten. It resembled the woodland arch Bonnie created earlier in the day and we gave her the honour of having the first slice. :)
Basically I love any cabbage stew. :)
Seasonal veg. :)
Fried rice to fill our tummies further!
Egg tarts and swissroll look alike for the rest of the classmates. :)
Jin Yaa Tang is definitely the restaurant I would go over and over again! :D As I'm writing this entry, I'm already missing some of the dishes. :) Details of Jing Yaa Tang (金雅堂): The Opposite House 11 Sanlitun Lu Chaoyang District Beijing 100027 China T: +86 1064 105230 W: