Lin and I are not hosting big gatherings at our home this year, favouring smaller get togethers. :) When you think of CNY, you think of hotpots. :) Our first CNY hotpot was savored with our gfs, at Imperial Treasure Steamboat restaurant. :)
We kickstart this steaming feast with the traditional loi hei! :D
We toss to a year of abundant blessings and most importantly good health! :D
It's a healthy mess! :)))
It's exceptionally cool this spring, perfect for having hotpots. :) We were restrained in our order as we only managed to get a 8.30pm seating at Imperial Treasure Steamboat Restaurant.
Lol!....but I think I need to redefine "restrain"...
Our must order. :D
Many years down the road, we will still be enjoying each other's company over a table of yum, but perhaps with less rich & fatty food. :)
Eve of Chinese New Year Eve:
We thought we could finish off work early and have our own family renunion dinner at home. However it was just a fancy thought. :))) Our renunion dinner was 12 midnite. My belly was already snoring!
Stew veg, my paternal grandmom's recipe that has been passed down to our generation. It's a must have for all CNY.
Thelma overcooked the chicken Mom marinated the nite before. And this one on our table is from Imperial Treasure Teochew Restaurant.
This isn't fancy but it tasted superb. ;) Fishball cabbage soup :D
Prawns with chives. :)
Mom braised this duck with coconut amino. :) Tasted just as nice as using dark soy sauce.
Fish signifies bountiful catch. ;)
Good cold crab is a real taste of freshness, :D
Shaved ice longans completed our reunion dinner. :)
With whatever energy we had left, we headed to the nite market to soak in some CNY ambience. :)))
Chinese New Year Eve:
There are many Teochew restaurants in Singapore. Wouldn't it be awesome if we can try one every year for ASL family reunion dinner? We would so much love for grandmom to experience other restaurants.
But we ended up at Swatow Seafood Restaurant again.
I was too lazy to go round 4 tables to take pics, and only took pics of cousins at our table. ;)
Loi hei-ing with our cousins. :D
Lydia's year! :D
Poor Lin had to work through our reunion dinner. *.*
First day of the Lunar New Year:
I brought this centerpiece home for our front entrance. :D
The amaryllis are in full bloom. :D
Koka is into red packets (angbao) this year. She had gotten 3 from mom so far! :)))
Our side table of temptations... *.*
Heading to grandmom's place. :)
Grandmom said she chose this red packet for us becos it has flowers on it. So much thought put into giving us angbaos. :)
I wonder if there's a better way to position ourselves. :)))
Cousins, our childhood playmates. :D We are like branches on a tree, growing in different direction. Yet our roots remain as one. :)

The only time we catch a movie with the extended at the cinema will be during CNY. :) It's a tradition that has not been broken. :) There are 14 of us this year.
We caught Gongfu Yoga starring Jackie Chan.
Since I have already cheated, just cheat all the way. Happy new year popcorns! :D
Second day of the Lunar New Year:
It's gonna be a chilled one for us today. Our day started with steamed carrot and yam cakes from Imperial Treasure. It another must have every CNY. :)
The danger of staying home is feasting on CNY goodies. *.* Self imposed restriction is practically thrown out of the window. : O
Thanks to Sharon's recommendation, we are hooked on this Korean drama 'The Legend of the Blue Sea".
Our big uncle (大舅) showcased his creative flair with this homemade yusheng. :D The prettiest loi hei ever. :D
Thank you big uncle and big aunt (大舅大舅母) for preparing a sumptuous spread for us.
Third day of the Lunar New Year:
Niao Gao for breakfast. :)
Godson came to 拜年! :)
We prepared our CNY home speciality for him, Ad & Kenneth. :D
These prawns rolls are from 2nd aunty (二舅母) though. :)))
Ad bought yusheng for loi hei!
Godson had so much fun tossing it!
The 2 kids had fun disturbing each other. :)))
We surprised Ad with a birthday cake! :D
It's dinner at grandmom's place. Finally a couple of pics with her. At 92, she's looking gorgeous still.
Grandmom shared her beauty tips. She actually uses CC cream!!! :O
A lovely pic of mom & Beanie this lunar new year. :D
Fourth day of the Lunar New Year
We went cycling! :D
As you can see, Yahui overslept. :O
Jarius fell off his wonky bike and we didn't had any dressing with us. *.* But God works in wondrous way. :))) Tina & her dad rode past!
Whisk & Paddle wasn't open yet and we had fried chicken for breakfast instead. :)))
I sent Grace & kids home after breakfast before resuming our morning walk with the clan. :D Hopefully we burnt some CNY calories! :)))
Fifth day of the Lunar New Year:
Well, we dragged our feet to work! The highlight of the day was CNY dinner with our neighbours at FESQ. :D
Lin and I made dumplings(饺子) for our neighbours. :D
I'm so proud of my dumplings! :D
Thanks to Rach, we didn't make enough dumplings. *.* So we ordered seafood pancakes as add-ons.
Rainy & Zi Ling brought glutinous rice in lotus leaf, siew mais and harkows over. :D
These awesome pork bellies were from Elaine! They were juicy and tender! :D
Blue berries from Joo. :)
We are such fans of Imperial Treasure yusheng. :)))
Our lo hei session was professionally done up by TL manager who happened to walk pass. :D
We have lots of fishes, thanks to Elaine who added more in. :D
We lo hei to better days at FESQ. :)
I love such kampung spirit. :) It was a truly wonderful sharing session and I hope the rest felt the same. :D
Seventh day of the Lunar New Year
We satisfy our craving for Peking duck. :D Our small company dinner was held at Imperial Treasure Peking Duck Restaurant. :)
Peking duck is one of my favorite Chinese dish. Love love love. :D
First slice to savor with sugar...heavenly. :)
And the rest of the duck. :D
A bowl of rice would be perfect for this :)))
Amazingly tender black pepper dice beef. *.*
Truffle noodles with cod fish slices :)
The seafood soup came really late. But it's CNY so some glitches are expected.
Freshest at its best and they are huge! :D
Ending our meal on a sweet note. :)
Mango pudding :)
Eight day of the Lunar New Year
We invited Cherlyn and her brood over for dim sum. :D
Our fav restaurant doesn't serve dim sum during CNY and these are from Dragon Bowl. :)
Frankly they aren't too bad. :)
Mom made century egg congee. :)
Cherlyn brought Imperial Treasure yusheng. :))) No, we aren't sick of it yet. ;)
Koka's starved for days???
It's clear who's the bully here. *.*
And our gal gave Darius a goodbye BITE on his arm!!!???? : ((( The bite marks are so obvious. So sorry cher!!! *.*
Ninth day of the Lunar New Year
A time of fellowship with our tithes counting team after church. Look what mom prepared for them! :D
Clarence got this yusheng from Gim Tim! I like there's deep fried fish skin in it! We should add them to our lo hei next year!!! :D
CNY snacking after a heavy lunch. But it's CNY! :)))
I love having the whole extended family over at our place. :D It warms my heart. :) This evening grandmom and the whole ASL gang gathered at our place for CNY dinner. :)
Mom's the superwoman! Check out the dishes she whipped out for the whole family. :)
An annual hotpot affair with TG, Joanna & co. :) This year Cameron joined us. Our party has grown! :D
Finally seeing Tommy after a long hiatus. :)))
Well, my rooster became a chick??? :)))
This marked our last lo hei for 2017. :)
TG always buy the nicest cake to our place. :)))
Too stuffed... :))) Massaging our full bellies. :))) This CNY is nothing but awesome, overfilled with love of family & friends. :)
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